Taken by @jgcphotography

samedi 7 juillet 2018


“Ujans nan peyi a, tout bagay BLOKE!”
“Emergency in the country, everything is BLOCKED!”

Today Friday, July 6, 2018, after the Brazil vs Belgium World Cup match many riots started in Port-au-Prince. People thought it was because Brazil lost and some Haitians are huge Brazil fans.

Turns out, it was another day protesting against the President's choice of raising the gas price in the country. I am not sure of the exact number but I understand that the new price is around 85 gourdes more.

Understand that it's about one dollar and couple cents, however, the majority of the Haitian population CANNOT AFFORD these new prices.

Because of these riots, people ARE STUCK in markets, restaurants, work, etc. Those who were lucky enough to be home already are giving friends shelter for the night because their house is close to where they were stuck.

Protesters are burning tires in the middle of the streets, breaking car windows, attacking people. The whole town is BLOCKED. People are obligated to leave their car somewhere safe and have to WALK home.

These riots have been going on for days and the President needs to do something about this, I hope you understand the SEVERITY of this situation. If you are in Haiti right now PLEASE STAY SAFE. If you are not PLEASE CHECK on your loved ones.

This is the only information I gathered tonight, I'll give you guys an update when I'll have further details.

My readers know I'm against posting negative pictures of the country because I find them unnecessary,



Source: @ogunation

I will add that they are planning to do the same, FIRST THING TOMORROW. 

Thank you for reading, Tiff.

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