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dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Té’m Ba’w On Nouvel

I wrote an article a couple weeks ago, called “Opinions, Opinions” about the riots that happened and I mentioned how I’d do an overview of what was destroyed.

The Aftermath

For starters, MANY enterprises were wrecked like the “Royal Oasis Hotel”. The hotel had events they had to cancel, tires were burned in their parking. Thankfully, places that were damaged became fully functional 2 weeks after the riots.

Source: Instagram @royaloasishotel.

One of the biggest losses during this time was the “Lynn Williams Rouzier dance Institute” that was literally burned to the ground.
This institution has taught the best Haitian dancers for 50 years. 50 years of passionate and disciplined work to transmit to futures generations our rich folkloric traditions and principles of dance. 50 years of fantastic shows, showcasing Haitian pride, on some of the world’s most celebrated stages. 50 years of solid friendships that started at the institute. 50 years of boundless love for Haiti. 50 years of generosity towards the most vulnerable of Haitian society.
This July 7th, 2018, the terror that set Haiti ablaze did not spare this gem of our culture. The freshly renovated and improved IDDLWR went up in flames.
This Haitian symbol of resilience cannot and will not disappear from our educative and cultural landscape.

Please help them bring it back to life by sending them your contribution. Here is the link to their gofundme page.
Please be careful, there is a FAKE gofundme page, pretending to be them. As if the situation was not bad enough, there are some low lives trying to steal money while the school really does need your help to be rebuilt.

Source: Instagram @iddlwr.

The second company ill be talking about is also a huge heartbreak. The Delimart Grocery Store was burned as well. Rioters stole a great amount of food and the owners had no choice but to close their doors.

What hurts me the most is the fact that due to the market closing 673 WORKERS lost their job. Even if the owners agreed to keep providing a salary until everything is back to normal, 673 PEOPLE are unsure of their Faith. 673 LIVES that were ruined in less than 24 hours.

Source: Instagram @delimarthaiti.

I understand things were hard and I still think people had all their reasons for what they did but I also think the lack of education of these people doesn't make them realize that they HURT 673 people that were trying to make it just as hard as they are. They thought they were hurting the owners but instead of one or two, 673 people are paying the price.

Education doesn't make you smart but it does teach to have a certain amount of logic when it comes to certain situations. It‘s this lack of common sense that got them to this point, they destroyed and got what they wanted but still live miserable lives. The help they need is the kind of help only an organized government can provide. So far, all they did was fire the Prime Minister.

ZERO mention of raising the minimum wage in the country.
ZERO mention about the private sector claiming compensation for losing their businesses.
ZERO mention of anything that actually matters.

The President made two bull**** press conferences talking mad s*** and nothing more.

In addition to all these amazing things going on, let's add the fact that people are not paid accordingly to their career. You have Parlement members getting THOUSANDS of dollars while POLICE OFFICERS, DOCTORS, TEACHERS are scraping for coins.

People want to close the Parlement as if that was going to change anything. They’ll vote for new members that will still get paid the SAME amount of money while the rest of the population is DYING.
What I suggest is changing THE LAW that benefits the people that work for US more than the actual citizens of this d*** country.

This was “Té’m Ba’w On Nouvel”, 
The Aftermath” edition, Written by Tiff.

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