I don't even know where to start, honestly, if you read my previous post about what's going on in Haïti, you know what happened yesterday.
Little recapitulation, protesters have blocked most of the roads of the city of Port-au-Prince because gas prices have gone up. Last week, the President voted to raise gasoline prices. Regular gas will go from 224 Haitian Gourdes (HTG) to 309 HTG, meaning this price went up 38%. Diesel will know an increase of 47%, the price being 179 HTG will now be 264 HTG. Let’s not even mention Kerosene which increased by 51% going from 173 HTG to 262 HTG, in all the gas stations.
Source: Roberson Alphonse, Le Nouvelliste.
Even if gas prices have been going up everywhere, the situation is different in Haïti. The way the news was announced was all wrong, people are protesting because the minimum wage in Haïti is 300 HTG and a gallon of gas is 309 HTG.
How are they suppose to survive? It's hard enough going to work for 300 HTG per day, feeding a family, saving to send kids to school.
Life in Haïti is getting more and more expensive but salaries are not going up.
The President's answer was that prices are still less expensive than the ones in the Dominican Republic, our neighbours.
Today, the Prime Minister posted a letter saying that the new prices are suspended, asking authorities to help and protect the population, asking protesters to stay peaceful after they’ve been rioting for almost 24 hours.
Markets, hotels, tires got burned, business windows have been shattered with rocks, protesters are shooting and threatening civilians, they are stealing food, people are still blocked and still can't go home.
They want the President and the Prime Minister out of office and unfortunately, they have all their reasons. Not saying their method is right, but riots are usually the only way less fortunate get to be heard.
Everyone is asking for a solution and no one knows what to do so here is my opinion.
This situation is the result of corrupt governments and the silence of the generations before the “90’s babies”. They stayed silent every time riots happened before because things always got “fixed” but not really, now things have reached a point of no return. They stayed silent even when the population SCREAMED that they were starving and wanted to have fair chances like rich people do. They stayed silent when foreigners came and stole from us. They stayed silent WAY too many times.
“90’s babies” need to stop ignoring these issues, let’s open our eyes and not make the same mistakes our parents did. For those of you raising young children, even if they don't need to struggle like YOU did in the past, TEACH them to understand that some people are still struggling. TEACH them to respect everyone regardless of what they do for a living. TEACH them that even if they have all the privileges in the world thanks to your efforts, they have to understand that some people are still working to get there. TEACH them that someone is not better or worst because of their skin colour, their hair type or what they own or their F**** last name.
One of the biggest problems of this country is making the MAJORITY feel like a MINORITY when the percentage of “rich” people is barely 5%. We kept the slave system where dark-skinned people are lesser than people who have pale skin.
This 5% refuse to acknowledge this issue because nothing really affected them until this day. Now protesters are robbing their businesses and they are no longer safe in their houses in the mountains. Protesters are coming to them now.
For those of you that will take over your parents businesses soon, stop feeding off poor people and start investing in the Haitian community.
For those of you that will take over your parents businesses soon, stop feeding off poor people and start investing in the Haitian community.
Listen to the population and find common ground. It’s time we take action since obviously, the government can't.
I know it all seems like I'm all talk and I’m not doing anything but my blog is the first start and I'm looking for ways to provide some help. If you care about the country I suggest you do the same too.
And to all the people with a voice that can be heard. I am talking about RAPPERS, MUSICIANS, don't just make a song and not do anything, this is your country too you need to do something and know that your fans follow you for a reason.
Thank you for reading, Tiff.
Your first start is a good one. Keep moving forward!
RépondreSupprimerThank you very much !!!
SupprimerLOL, when you said Musicians and Rappers were you throwing shade at Wyclef Jean who stole money through Yélé Haiti?
RépondreSupprimerI was talking about all of them